IUHPE calls for papers on major global health promotion issues

The International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) has issued calls for papers to be submitted to its official publication, Global Health Promotion, in the following three areas:

  • Calls in relation to sustainable development & health; equitable & sustainable health development; and participatory governance, to engage  professionals in a reflection process on the linkages between health promotion and sustainable development, in preparation for the upcoming 20th World Conference on Health Promotion in July 2010 (www.iuhpeconference.net)
  • Papers in English or French that relate to the implementation of health promotion programmes in Africa, as part of a Supplement edition on Health Promotion Strategies and Non-communicable Diseases Control in Africa (call opened jointly with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Case studies (in any of the three IUHPE official languages), which reflect and demonstrate how research evidence derived from epidemiological studies, evaluation research and/or research synthesis and meta-analysis is used and translated to address health challenges locally. These will be used to complement the publication of a second volume of the monograph “Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness”.

For further information, please visit the IUHPE website:
The 20th World Conference on Health Promotion will be a key event in next year’s calendar. If you would like to let us know of any work that is taking place in preparation for the event , please get in touch via our contact page

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